
African Cinema: Omoni Oboli’s Wives on Strike Makes 60 Million Naira, Beats ‘The Barber’s Shop,’ ‘Jungle Book’ & ‘The Huntsman’ at Nollywood’s Box Office

After the Nollywood movie “Wives on Strike” garnered 51 million Naira in 17 days of its cinematic debut, with views by  over 50,000 people across cinema houses in different states of the federation, there were speculations on whether it would still be able to hold up in cinemas. With its fourth week running, all doubts have been cleared, as viewers still troop into cinemas across the country to watch and have a feel of the movie people cannot stop talking about.

Reports emerged over the weekend at Nigeria’s Filmhouse Cinemas, Surulere, Silverbird Cinema, Ikeja City Mall, Genesis Deluxe Cinema, Lekki, and Silverbird Cinema, Abuja, over the weekend that Wives on Strike kept selling, even with the presence of latest Hollywood releases like “The Barber’s Shop”, “The Huntsman” and ” Jungle Book”.

The movie which stars Omoni Oboli, Uche Jombo-Rodriguez, Ufuoma Mcdermoth, Kehinde Bankole, Julius Agwu, Keneth Okonkwo sold 15 million in three days in its first weekend at the cinema, making it the first ever Nollywood movie to do so in the history of box-office records in Nigeria.

Wives On Strike is produced and directed by leading Nollywood figure, Omoni Oboli who in time past had garnered commendations for her two earlier movies, Being Mrs Elliot and The First Lady as executive producer. The two movies made best box office movies of 2014 and 2015 respectively with excellent showing at the cinemas.

However, Wives on Strike has shattered all those earlier success by Omoni’s previous movies, not only that, the movie is shattering records of other movies and setting a new one.

It was announced two weeks ago, through figures from Omoni Oboli and FilmOne, the distribution company, that the movie has sold over 51 million in 17 days. That is a record by all standards in history of box office in Nigeria.

While reviewing the movie, Segun Odejimi of TNS wrote; “Wives on Strike has been in the cinema for how long now? 19 days? However, it was still a FULL house at the 3pm screening I opted for. Many people could not find a seat at twenty minutes past 3…The hall erupted in unified laughter almost every five minutes. As the credits rolled at the end of the screening, there was a standing ovation. The audience enjoyed it and not less than half of them will share the testimony with others….”

The movie is a hilarious comedy about a group of market women who decided to take matters into their own hands against their husbands in a bid to stir them into standing up for a young girl whom they wanted to protect from the wishes of her own father.

The women, who hilariously interpret their roles, set a series of events in motion to give the movie many moments of laughter without missing a beat on the reason for everyone to know why they are on strike.

The directorial debut of Omoni Oboli was romantic comedy Being Mrs Elliot, while the second was “The First Lady”.

 “Wives on Strike has surprised everyone,” said FilmOne, COO, Moses Babatope. “We expected a decent run at the cinemas but no one expected this record breaking standard the movie is setting at the box-office. The records of the movie has truly amazed everyone. And to say it is beating The Huntsman despite being in cinema for three week is to so amazing. Omoni is truly Nollywood personality of the year and definitely casting her name is gold.”

 “I am full of gratitude. People have shown me so much love. The record is humbling. I am grateful,” said Oboli.


Ladybrille Magazine

Founded in 2007, Ladybrille® Magazine is a California based pioneer digital publication demystifying the image of Africans in the west through contemporary African fashion and celebrating the brilliant woman in business and leadership, with an emphasis on the African woman in the diaspora. Our coverage includes stories on capital, access to markets, expertise, hiring and retention, sales, marketing, and promotions.

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