
African Cinema: Omoni Oboli’s Wives on Strike Makes 60 Million Naira, Beats ‘The Barber’s Shop,’ ‘Jungle Book’ & ‘The Huntsman’ at Nollywood’s Box Office

After the Nollywood movie “Wives on Strike” garnered 51 million Naira in 17 days of its cinematic debut, with views by  over 50,000 people across cinema houses in different states of the federation, there were speculations on whether it would still be able to hold up in cinemas. With its fourth week running, all doubts have been …


Film: My Vote Fit Change Naija featuring Julius Agwu, Adaora Ukoh and 2Shotz (Video)

‘My vote fit change Naija’ is a short film that sadly captures the reality of millions of Nigerians living in Nigeria. Julius Agwu the famous comedian serves as lead actor as he walk us through unemployment and infrastructural problems; healthcare, water, transportation, electricity and more. Director: Alex Mouth Produced by Kingsley Bangwell in partnership with …