
Zebra Ball 2008, 8 Questions With Zebra Living’s Ugoma Ebilah

Zebra ball 2008 is in its second year and the brains behind the event, Ugomah Ebilah of Zebra Living promises it would be loads of fun with a chance to win brilliant prizes, gift bags full of goodies, canapes, cocktails, great music, a fantastic crowd, and a chance to give back–some proceeds from the event …


AngloGold Ashanti Limited (Video)

AngloGold Ashanti Limited one of the largest and at times controversial gold producers in Africa [it is headquartered in South Africa and listed on the Ghanaian, New York, London and Johannesburg Stock Exchanges], has been quite active in the South African Fashion industry.This year, the company partnered with South Africa’s fashion production team to show …