
Women in Film and Television Launches Nigerian Chapter!

We are excited the Los Angeles headquartered Women in Film and Television (WIFTIN) launched its Nigerian chapter last week. See details from the event producers below:

In attendance was Gbemi Olateru, the Mistress of Ceremony at the event and a board member/Director of WIFTIN. Other members and members of the press were present at the inaugural event.

Ebi Akpeti, author of “The perfect church” a book which has been adapted into an award winning block buster spoke at the event, encouraging people to follow their passion as an organization like WIFTIN would help nurture that dream and provide platforms for them to be exposed internationally.

Women in Film and Television, Nigeria [WIFT-N], is a membership based non-profit organization borne out of the need for capacity building for the female youths and to recognize and support the women working in Nigerian screen-based and other media.

WIFT-N aims to empower women interested and involved in the Media and recognizes the women whose efforts have impacted positively to the growth of the Nigerian media industry. As a growing economy, there are great opportunities and talents to be tapped into for the continued success of our local media practitioners, in Nigeria, Africa and around the world. By this, WIFT-N has stepped in to be better prepared and sensitize our women on the need for professionalism, persistence, dedication and resilience in working for and in the media.

The Nigerian entertainment industry has attained global recognition primarily due to the daily turn out of movies and musical videos through the broadcast of same on diverse national and international television networks. The inadvertent exposure massively given to local entertainers, actors, film directors or producers, etc. presupposes the necessity for the existence of a body to create awareness on measures adopted by fellow practitioners in more developed countries, and especially the women, in breaking new grounds and achieving greater professional successes and accolades.

WIFT-N enjoys recognition by the global organization, Women In Film and Television International [WIFTI], which provides the foundation for global cooperation and integration with other WIFT chapters. Furthermore, it strives to be a voice for Nigerian women in the industry, providing them also with the opportunity to interface directly with women media practitioners from other nations of the world.

With these possibilities open to women in Nigeria, it would open up new possibilities and milestones for the country and subsequently the continent.

History of WIFTIN (International)
The first women in Film Chapter began in Los Angeles in 1973. Today, Women in Film and Television International [WIFTI] has experienced tremendous growth in its ten [10] years of existence with over forty [40] member chapters and 10,000 members worldwide.

It is a global network made up of ‘Women In Film and Television’ in chapters worldwide. These chapters are dedicated to advancing professional development, achievement and capacity building for women with careers in all areas of the media. Its operations are national in outlook. In other words, individuals seeking the benefits of membership are affiliated with the WIFT chapter in their respective countries

Muna Iyanam sits as The President, of WIFTIN, a seasoned broadcaster, who sits on the board of several organizations, intends to explore and provide a platform with which women in the entertainment industry would benefit from. With an MSC in communication from the Pan African University, Muna has the expertise and technical knowhow to actualize the vision and mission for WIFTIN.

On the advisory board, Engr Vincent Maduka, sits on the advisory board. Who has been conferred with the Nigerian National honor of the Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) 2003 steers WIFTIN to achieve it’s said goals and objectives. As a former Director General to NTA, the entertainment industry is not new to him, as during the course of his career, he has had the privilege of interfacing with all the various levels of the entertainment industry and has positively contributed to it’s growth through the various capacities he has worked in.

Ladybrille Magazine

Founded in 2007, Ladybrille® Magazine is a California based pioneer digital publication demystifying the image of Africans in the west through contemporary African fashion and celebrating the brilliant woman in business and leadership, with an emphasis on the African woman in the diaspora. Our coverage includes stories on capital, access to markets, expertise, hiring and retention, sales, marketing, and promotions.

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