
Actress Ginnifer Goodwin Rocks Environmental Chic Dress by Academy of Art Students

Actress Ginnifer Goodwin, best known for her role as Margene Heffman on the HBO series Big Love, has just made students at Academy of Art University students very happy. Goodwin wore, this past Sunday, an environmentally chic dress made by students Priscilla Guimarais, Kumiko Haruyama, Nui Tanapornwattana, Audrey Wang and Tramaine Tillman to the 20th …


Abuja Food Festival 2009

Bringing the ambience & cultural experience we are so used to seeing in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Paris and London to Abuja, Abuja prepares for its  first inaugural food festival which takes place on October 31st, 2009. “The Abuja Food Festival will bring together the city’s finest restaurants and carefully selected …