Ports 1961 Spring 2009 show began with the Cowboy Junkies performing, their performance and music serving as a backdrop as models strutted the runway in designs consistent with the theme of Ports Spring 2009 collection, “Beloved of the Sky.” Inspired by Canadian artist Emily Carr, North African born, Canadian raised Tia Cibani [Creative Director of …
Winner of Ladybrille Safi Fragrance Contest!
Congrats to Yvette W. of Cordova, Tennesse, USA. She is the winner of our Ladybrille Safi Fragrance contest! If you missed out on this contest, no worries. Stay tuned for more contests and oppotunities to win fabulous prizes!
Diane von Furstenberg Rock Goddess Spring Collection 2009
Titled “Rock Goddess,” and held September 7th, 2008, the Spring 2009 Diane von Furstenburg [DVF] show was pure drama, not so much from the actual clothes on the runway, which were, for the most part, on point, but from the who is who celebrities [celebs] present at the shows. Pre-event backstage was brimming and full …
Ladybrille Woman of the Month, Ausma Khan, Part II
We continue with part II of our indepth interview with our Ladybrille Woman of the Month, Ausma Khan, Editor-in-Chief of Muslim Girl Magazine. For Part I click here.–-Article by Niama Sandy. LADYBRILLE.com: What are some obstacles that you’ve seen, personally and professionally for Muslim women and Muslim girls? Khan: For me personally, I’ve been really …
Ladybrille Woman of the Month, Ausma Khan
Imagine that the world has been your perpetual oyster. Completion of a doctoral degree in International Human Rights Law is just on the horizon. A friend connects you with a contact interested in publishing magazine geared toward teenage women and you jump at the opportunity leaving behind most of what you know. Does it sound …