Exclusive Interview: The Flying Doctor Dr. Ola Orekunrin, Ladybrille Woman of the Month Dec. 2012

Our Ladybrille Woman of the Month feature continues to be our most coveted features on Ladybrille. It is also a feature where we try to celebrate some of the most brilliant and outstanding women in diverse industries from diverse backgrounds, but with a heavy emphasis on fashion and entertainment. This 2012, we close out the …

Dr. Ola Orekunrin, Founder of West Africa’s First Air Ambulance Service, is Ladybrille Woman of the Month December 2012

Dr Ola Orekunrin is the Managing Director of Flying Doctors Nigeria Ltd, West Africa’s first Air Ambulance Service. She began the service when she was only 21years old and her company has saved the lives of many Nigerians and continues to. Watch her speak at TEDx Victoria Island and watch out for our exclusive interview …