
Style Mania Magazine’s September Issue pays tribute to bloggers

Style Mania Magazine’s September Issue pays tribute to bloggers. This issue remarks Style Mania’s reinforced approach to documenting popular culture, its players and the role they play in shaping thoughts and behavior. Bloggers are today’s priced middlemen and women, and with the engagement of young people who see this platform as a self expression portal, …


Fashion Fix: Watch The top 10 essentials every fashionable woman needs in her wardrobe with @MercyAjisafe

Mercy Ajisafe and Tokyo James take on the top 10 essential fashion items every woman needs to stay fashionable. Watch to see their suggestions, but never forget to experiment and discover what works best for you. Enjoy. Ladybrille MagazineFounded in 2007, Ladybrille® Magazine is a California based pioneer digital publication demystifying the image of Africans …

#MBFWJ16: (Photos) Ciss Saint Moïse at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Joburg S/S 2016

Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory coast) designer Ciss Saint Moïse is known for his attention to details and creating fashion for men who enjoy looking classy. He stays consistent with his signature reputation in his latest collection at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week S/S 2016. View full collection on AFI International. Ladybrille MagazineFounded in 2007, Ladybrille® Magazine is a …

#MBFWJ16: (Photos) Laduma by Maxhosa @MaxhosaKnitwear at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Joburg S/S 2016

According to Laduma Ngxokolo, designer behind Laduma by Maxhosa, “The brand started out as a my BTech thesis project at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in 2010. My project was based on exploring knitwear design solutions that would be suitable for amakrwala (Xhosa initiates). My vision was to create a modern Xhosa-inspired knitwear collection that …