LookBook: Republic of Foreigner 'Re-Belle Collection (Pictures)

“The Re-Belle Collection is a dynamic display of feminized militarism. In the universal concept of beautiful ‘generational struggles’ often seen in history and pop culture, while real military garments/uniforms often enforce hierarchy and conformity, subcultures often subvert this meaning into one of non-conformity and individualism–for this reason, the name of the collection “Re-belle” was inspired. …


(Pictures) Designer Isi Atagamen Unveils IAFL Latest Collection Titled "Athena"

Isi Atagamen Fashion Label (IAFL) announces the release of the “Athena” collection which is designed for the chic, versatile, practical, sexy, and glamorous woman. This collection is inspired by the idea of Greece; the ancient Greek costumes, the peaceful environment and the sea of Greece. Today’s release marks the latest addition to the brand’s collection …


Ladybrille® Fashion Business With . . . Fashion Designer Kiki Kamanu #Africanfashion

The “Ladybrille® Fashion Business With . . .” is a feature on Ladybrille® Magazine that is focused on entrepreneurs in Africa’s fashion industry, with a heavy emphasis on fashion designers. This feature highlights business principles, business practices, follows the money, discusses the challenges faced by fashion startups as well as offers pragmatic tips that should …

Ladybrille® Fashion Business With . . . Paledi Segapo, Creative Director PALSE Homme #Africanfashion

Paledi Segapo holds a Master of Business in Leadership (MBL) through the University of South Africa (UNISA) – School of Business Leadership with dissertation titled Growth Strategies for Fashion Enterprise in South Africa. Segapo is a creative entrepreneur, fashion columnist for various local South African magazines, editor, reservedlife.co.za, and was once the fashion editor for …

EVENT: Fashion Designer Fatima Samad To Be Presented With Face2Face Africa IAAPA Award for Excellence in Professionalism #Africanfashion

“Fatima Samad of Design By U, will be presented with the IAAPA Award for Excellence in Professionalism at the “I am a professional African” networking mixer this Friday. The IAAPA Award, created by Face2face Africa, honors an individual or organization that has demonstrated a significant level of professionalism, and as a result is making a …