For a long time, our Ladybrille muslim fashion-forward have just been plain left out in fashion icy cold land when it comes to satisfying their needs. These women want to hold on to their beliefs yet satisfy their strong appetite for sexy, tasteful, elegant and conservative fashions.
“The need and presence for Islamic fashion has never been more pressing than now, as Islamic capitals of the world continue to expand and welcome foreign investors an undeniable setting as human societies establish closer ties across the globe. Leave aside religious needs, Islamic fashion plays a much greater role than just to drape and to cover. ‘’While there are the obvious reasons needs to don Muslim attire – in a mosque, for weddings, for prayer etc., women and men of all walks of life and cultural backgrounds will see the need for Islamic fashion as world trade activities take place. . . “–says the Producers of IFF.
Brilliant! Check out photos from the recent Islamic Fashion Festival 2008.
Photocredits: Kien Huo, AFP, Getty Images
Founded in 2007, Ladybrille® Magazine is a California based pioneer digital publication demystifying the image of Africans in the west through contemporary African fashion and celebrating the brilliant woman in business and leadership, with an emphasis on the African woman in the diaspora. Our coverage includes stories on capital, access to markets, expertise, hiring and retention, sales, marketing, and promotions.
Hi Ruth,
Please email ( with your questions and we will be glad to answer.
Thank you!
Ladybrille Magazine Team
Hey i checked ur islamic fashion adn i think its amzing no one ever thought that islamic would move to that direction. Sure, culture is dynamic. I work with the Kenya Muslim Yuoth Alliance and we run a Newspaper called the New Dawn, we are intending to write a story on Islam and fashion and would like your comments, contribution and any other view on the topic.
Wow!Love them!Very creative….Definitely looking good- covered.